Written by: Versed

Meet Superstar Senior Digital Designer Lia Geeter!

Lia, an extraordinarily talented and diversely skilled creative, has recently joined the Versed team. While we could wax poetic for days about her professional experience, capabilities, and what she ultimately brings to our practice, …

4 Ways Think-Aloud Testing Improves UX

Think-aloud testing is an effective and simple way to capture valuable usability feedback from audiences. Having users verbalize how they operate within a digital experience provides tremendous insight into how effectively it was designed. …

6 Simple Steps to Improve Your Digital Brand Governance

Most, if not all, companies have challenges maintaining good digital brand governance. Adhering to standards cross-departmentally with so many folks of varying understanding or care of the importance of brand consistency can be difficult. …

We’re Looking for a Senior Digital Designer. Interested?

We’re on the hunt for a passionate, non-linear thinker that thrives in the intersections of brand, marketing, and digital to serve as a Senior Digital Designer. Someone comfortable working in a fast-paced environment with …

‘Tis the Season!

It's hard to believe that 2022 is almost fully cooked. But before we charge into anew year, we want to extend the warmest of holiday wishes to our friends, partners, clients, and industry peers. …

A Grand(ish) Opening: The Kitchen by Versed

So what's the Kitchen? We're kinda still figuring it out, really, but how we envision it now is as a free space for various forms of creative exploration. And sure, there are a lot …

4 Reasons Product Design Gets ‘Kids’ Tabled’ in Product Shops

"Experience-led", "Design-led", and "Experience-first" product development environments are all the rage these days. Companies are hyper-focused on tracking, quantifying, and evaluating every aspect of a customer's interaction to improve their experience. So why do …

5 Quick Tips For Your Next Rebranding Gig

Have a logo redesign or rebranding looming? Obviously, there will be tons of working parts that will influence your approach in a big creative undertaking like this one. But if you're looking for a …

6 Keys to Better Navigating Your Next Digital Launch

Project-based digital launches can be a real pain in the ass. Whether it's a small-scale social campaign, or a larger website redesign, there are always enumerable landmines lying in wait. Stakeholder alignment, team/business unit …

Here’s a Simple Content Planning Checklist For Your Next Website Redesign

We at Versed think all digital products, whether it's a website, an application, a social program, etc, are endless continuums for progressive optimization. Things like experience design, a content plan, and features and functions …